The Karnataka government has recently introduced the Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2024, aims to provide financial support to low-income women and their families across the state of Karnataka. Under this initiative, the primary woman of each household will receive a monthly stipend of Rs. 2000, with the goal of empowering women and enhancing their quality of life through direct financial support.
The Gruha Lakshmi Yojana will be given through a direct benefit transfer which especially focuses on housewives, landless women, and female agricultural laborers, and ensuring that the support fund reaches those most in need.
Gruha Lakshmi Scheme Status 2024
The Gruha Lakshmi 2024 Scheme, not only provide to numerous households but also simplifies the entire process for eligible women who receive monthly amount directly into their bank accounts. The Gruha Lakshmi Yojana main aims is to help families with limited incomes either build new homes or renovate existing ones.
The program is crucial to improve social welfare and promote regional economic development since it works to improve living standard and housing condition of vulnerable people residing in the state of Karnataka.
Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2024 – Overview
Authority | Karnataka State Government |
Name of Scheme | Gruha Lakshmi Yojana |
Applicable in | Karnataka |
Amount | ₹2000 (Monthly) |
Beneficiaries | APL, BPL, & Other Marginalized Groups |
Application Mode | Online & Offline Registration |
Category | Sarkari Yojana |
Official Website | |
Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Yojana
The Karnataka Gruha Lakshmi Yojana shows a significant step toward dealing with housing challenges among the vulnerable population and contributing to overall social and economic well being. The Gruha Lakshmi Program supports individual families and strengthens the Karnataka economy by promoting constructive activities such as building houses, etc. and providing essential housing support and promotes good infrastructure in the state.
Documents Required for Gruha Lakshmi Scheme
Candidates must provide a variety of documents to verify their eligibility. Applicant have to attach scan copies below mention document in the application form:
- Aadhar Card
- PAN Card
- Recent Water or Electricity bills for residential address verification
- Domicile Certificate to confirm residency
- Valid Mobile Number
- Passport Size Photo
- Copy of Bank Passbook, etc.
Eligibility Criteria for Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2024
- The Gruha Lakshmi Scheme in Karnataka follows a “One Woman, One House” policy, allowing only one woman per household to apply for Yojana.
- Eligible applicants must be residents of Karnataka and serve as the head of their families in order to get the benefit.
- Women holding Below Poverty Line (BPL), Antyodaya, or Above Poverty Line (APL) ration cards are qualified to participate.
- Those without children can modify their ration cards to meet the eligibility criteria for yojana.
- Female government employees, taxpayers, or households where the husband files GST or pays income tax are ineligible for benefits under this scheme.
- These requirement aim to target and support vulnerable women in Karnataka insuring the Yojana effectiveness to empower women.
How to Apply for Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2024 Online
- Applicant have to search for the official portal ( in order to avail the benefit of yojana.
- Now click on the proceed button, and fill out the application form with accurate personal and contact information.
- Upload all the necessary documents such as ration card and Aadhar Card and submit the registration form.
Gruha Lakshmi Scheme 2024 Offline Registration
To apply for the Gruha Lakshmi Scheme offline, applicant have to follow below mention steps:
- Visit the nearest center offering application forms, such as Bangalore One, Grama One, Nada Kacheris, Bapuji Seva Kendras, or Karnataka One office.
- Pick up the Gruha Lakshmi Yojana application form and fil out all the details including personal and contact information.
- Attach necessary documents, such as your husband’s Aadhaar card, your ration card, your mobile number, and your bank account information.
- Return to the centre, from where you obtain the application form to submit the completed application.
By following any one offline and online application steps, individual can easily apply for the scheme, after that the authority will review your application and once approved beneficiary will start getting amount.
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